October 28, 2006: The skies of Aberdeen, Mississippi, are blue and cloudless today. We have certainly experienced Southern hospitality at its finest. It started when the father-in-law of Jeff, the owner of Aberdeen Marina, brought over samples of outrageously good fried apple pies to accompany our breakfast. Jeff had arranged a tour of two gorgeous antebellum homes in town for those of us Great Loopers who were interested. In each case, the owners of these gracious mansions walked us through their homes. Their love for history and their passion for maintaining the integrity and charm of the original homes was apparent. Then, Jeff and his wife Susan invited us all to a fish fry at the gathering spot in front of the marina. The docks are chock full of cruisers, holding people from all over the United States, Canada, and even New Zealand. We are all stuffed with fried farm-raised catfish, hushpuppies, sweet potato pie, and other delicious treats. We'll sleep well for sure. This marina is charming and unique -- a must stop for cruisers working their way down the Tenn-Tom Waterway.
I should also mention that this afternoon we took the marina's courtesy car for a sightseeing ride and a grocery run in the town of Aberdeen. What a picturesque and lovely place. Music was piped for the entire downtown to hear. The shopkeepers were friendly and interesting, happy to have boaters and other tourists in town. Aberdeen is also an antique furniture mecca. I’d love to come back. Tomorrow we plan to be back on the water, with Columbus, Mississippi, our destination.
# posted by Second Wind @ 5:12 PM