Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Preparation and Goodbyes

October 21 – 24: These few days were marked by more preparation and several good-byes. The Jacobs and Kuehlthaus had been out of town all summer, so we really wanted them to see the PDQ before we sailed away. The Kuehlthau’s dog Cloe recently had surgery and they couldn’t leave her, so they invited a group over for dinner and to see us off. They promised to fly down to see the boat as soon as Cloe has recovered. Peggy and Paul brought us back to the boat at Wheeler on Tuesday afternoon. We were mighty happy to see Looper Mike Scheuring(spelling?) walking around the docks only one day after he had emergency heart surgery in Huntsville. What a scare; we’re so happy it turned out OK. We loaded the boat, pumped out, took a short ride on the river, then went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant in Rogersville, AL, and then to bed.

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