November 1, 2006: This Tenn-Tom Waterway system was primarily designed for commercial traffic, and I’m happy to report that most barge captains and lockmasters are really courteous. This morning, for example, they let five or six boats squeeze into the Demopolis Lock (Mile 213.2) with a downbound barge. That easily saved us a two-hour wait, and they certainly don’t have to consider pleasure craft.
We are no longer on the upper portion of the Tenn-Tom Waterway, we are now on the Black Warrior River part. The scenery has changed some; some of the banks are sandy, and it is evident that serious flooding is a part of this stretch. The waterway also has frequent S-hooks in it and many loopbacks. It seemed as though every single time Bob went below and I was at the helm, we would round a bend, and there would be a HUGE barge barreling toward us. Yikes! Today we covered a big 93 miles – big day for slowish boats. We have anchored at Okatuppa Creek somewhere in the boonies of Lower Alabama (actually, it's Mile 123.2 for those keeping up with such things). It is quiet and we love the nature around us, but we’re also happy to have the Cowhigs for company! Tonight was our night to grill out – quesadillas for appetizers, grilled port chops, candied yams, and steamed veggie medley. Nutter Butters rounded out a mighty fine meal.
# posted by Second Wind @ 10:34 PM