Friday, January 26, 2007
Costa Grande to Ft. Meyers/Sanibel Island
The channels to Ft. Meyers are well marked because the water around here is pretty shallow. Several calls went out over the radio for the rescue services of Sea Tow and Boat U.S. We watched the markers and our charts like hawks, and we made it to Ft. Meyers just fine. (With the exception of being pounded by wakes several times.) We docked at Legacy Marina, did some laundry, then ate dinner with Jim, Martha, and Peggy, Martha's stepmom. On Friday morning we retraced our steps, errrrr, that is, our wake to Sanibel Island, where Jim and Martha have joined us for several days as we make our way south to Marathon. We will explore Sanibel and Captiva Islands for the next couple of days and look forward to being joined by other cousins. Fun times coming up!
I've got photos, but not enough time right now to post them.