Monday, February 26, 2007
Beautiful, Beautiful Rockledge, FL

Just before we arrived in Rockledge, we were actually boarded by the U.S. Coast Guard! We saw the flashing blue lights on a little boat heading toward us, and we scratched our heads to remember if we had done anything wrong. Nope, couldn’t think of anything, so we were relaxed and innocent-looking when they requested a boarding. Just as we thought, it was a routine, random inspection, and our official doo dah (documentation, life jackets, proper waste disposal, no firearms, fire extinguishers, decals) were all in order. We knew what to expect since Bob is a volunteer vessel safety examiner for the Power Squadron. I said we were “randomly” selected, but one of the officers in training took a special interest in being shown around our boat, and he mentioned that his wife really wanted a catamaran. He had never been on one. “Are they stable? Comfortable? Fuel efficient? Low draft?” But they were professional and performed their duty well. Now we have papers showing that we are officially good to go!
By late Tuesday afternoon, Second Wind was tied up to a fine dock in Rockledge, FL, next door to YaYa Kathy and husband Lee’s perfectly beautiful home. We spent a couple of glorious days enjoying the Payne’s hospitality. (Kathy is officially busted as not being an excellent cook, I might add – Spinach and Goat Cheese Torte – yummmm!.) Near Cocoa Beach, Rockledge is yet another place I could live happily. We could sit on their porch and watch the parade of boats through stately 100-year-old trees. The Paynes wined and dined us royally, Kathy took me shopping in delightful Cocoa Village, and I had another joyous reunion with my YaYa girlfriends. This time we got to meet Karens gorgeous 9-year-old niece Chevelle. Best of all we got to spend time with fun, gracious friends – that’s still the best part of this adventure.