Monday, February 05, 2007
Sanibel Island Adventures

After lunch Claudia and Bob took Martha and I over the lighthouse and the beach. The lighthouse is unusual because it is totally constructed of metal beams. It is still functions as a lighthouse though. The wind prevented us from doing very much shelling, so we enjoyed tagging along with Claudia and Bob while pursued their fascinating hobby of geocaching. Geocaching is sort of a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to find specific “treasures” that have been stashed by others. Clues and information for thousands of sites can be found online. They were able to locate and report their success online for at least two spots while we were with them. After they left Jim, Martha, Bob, and I took a long walk. It was great to get some exercise and explore the neighborhood near the marina. If I haven’t said it before, Sanibel is now one of my favorite spots! Again, we wished we had bicycles.