Monday, March 19, 2007


Grand Old Charleston, SC

Sunday, March 18. The cruise to Charleston was pretty easy, in spite of the cold weather. We encountered unusually strong currents as we passed points where the marshes drain into the rivers we were traveling. Once the tidal current actually changed our speed from 17.4 mph going with the current to 11.3 mph going against the current, with no change to our throttle. We also saw a fair number of large dolphin, always a treat. I loved the names of the waterways we encountered: Coosaw, Ashepoo, Dawho Rivers and Bohicket, Toogoodoo, and Wappoo Creeks. We arrived at the huge Charleston City Marina before 3 p.m. and were told to tie up on “The Megadock” along with some of the largest private yachts I’ve ever seen. We are at least a quarter of a mile from restrooms and showers! But hey, we need the exercise. Dinner at Magnolias Restaurant was excellent as always. We’ll explore Charleston with the Upchurches on Monday, then we'll start packing to head toward Huntsville by rental car. Can't believe we'll be home again by Wednesday.

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