Thursday, March 01, 2007


Map: Another Day at Anchor Near Welaka, FL

Thursday, March 01, 2007. A weather forecast of fierce winds and possible strong thunderstorms made us leery about continuing south across Lake George today. We understand that this is part of a terrible system that has ripped across the South. We did dock for a few hours at the free Welaka Town Dock and walked a few blocks to get some prescriptions refilled. There is definitely something to be said for small towns. The pharmacist fixed us up in short order, the kind of service that we haven’t seen in the bigger-city CVSs and Walgreens. We met the current mayor at the pharmacy and then a mayoral candidate at a café located in a Christian bookstore where we ate lunch and met other friendly folks. Unfortunately, the Wooden Boat Museum was closed. We decided that our best weather protection would be back at the anchorage behind Turkey Island, where we spent last night. Again we enjoyed watching the huge variety of birds at our favorite rookery. This time we have set a second anchor. We’ll see what the weather has in store. Meanwhile, here is a map showing where we’ve been in Florida. You can click it to make it bigger, then arrow back to the main blog.

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