Thursday and Friday, March 8-9. First, a quick catch-up. After one last beautiful anchorage on Wednesday night, we pulled ourselves away from the magnificent St. Johns River and are now enjoying the hospitality of Bob’s cousin Frank on Amelia Island. Our Wednesday anchorage was on Black Creek, a pristine, beautiful creek flowing into the St. Johns just north of Green Cove Springs. After an uneventful cruise north on Thursday, we were unsuccessfully trying to hail the River Walk Marina in Jacksonville, when we heard a familiar voice returning our call. “’Second Wind,’ this is ‘Inevitable Too.’ Where are you staying tonight? We’ll join you.” It was the welcome voice of Looper friend Bruce Elder. We had crossed part of the Gulf with Bruce and Jeanne; then we spent happy times with them in Tarpon Springs. We had a joyful reunion, met their granddaughter, and quickly deferred to Bruce’s knowledge of the best restaurants in the area. His son Dave took us all to a Cuban restaurant across the river. The mojitas, fried plantain, and a beef dish that translated into something like “Old Shirt,” hit the spot!
This morning (Friday), we continued our northbound odyssey, winding through salt marshes until we arrived at the lovely Amelia Island Plantation Marina. On our way in to the gas dock, Looper Tom Clare spotted us. The Amelia Island Marina is his home port, and he immediately made us feel welcome. Not only did Tom help us dock into tight quarters (Bob has developed amazing skill in maneuvering into impossible places), he also drove us to the gorgeous home of Bob’s cousin Frank, who has insisted that we stay in his piece of paradise until he returns next Monday. More to follow!
# posted by Second Wind @ 8:27 AM