Sunday, April 15, 2007
Big Winds in Charleston

We’ve spent the past couple of days trying to find storage for all STUFF we brought from home: clothes (mostly mine) and new equipment (mostly Bob’s). We have also re-stocked groceries, cleaned a ton of pollen off the boat, and picked up two new collapsible bicycles from the local West Marine store. The bikes are cute. I feel like I’m riding on a toy, but they are really lightweight and easy to get onto and off the boat. Bob and I took a short ride into Charleston yesterday and again we loved seeing the charming old Charleston houses with their fancy ironwork, dark green shutters, and lovely gardens.
The best part about being back, of course, is that we are getting to see old Looper friends again. All of us are here for the Spring Great Loop Rendezvous. Registration and a few events begin tomorrow, to be followed by a full schedule of speakers who will share their expertise about cruising from North Carolina through Canada. Our brains will be overloaded in a few days, but it will be time well spent, with plenty of revelry interspersed among the more serious topics.
I had to get registered with google to write you but ah well. We finished our judging and the newsletter is printed. The Auction is next. Talk with you after the Auction.
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