Tuesday, May 29, 2007
From Baltimore Inner Harbor to Georgetown, MD, on the Sassafras River, Chesapeake’s Eastern Shore

Tuesday, May 29. The Memorial Day crowds in Baltimore began to thin out by late afternoon on Monday, and Bob and I enjoyed taking a walk to the James Joyce Irish Pub for an early supper. Corn beef hash wrapped in cabbage rolls was a pleasant change from our steady diet of seafood (not really complaining though). Baltimore seemed like an altogether different place without the constant parade of boats in the harbor and hubbub in the marina. We have both been here before, and we agree that the Inner Harbor is a great place, preferably when it’s not a holiday. We spent a good bit of the day planning our next leg of the journey, which will take us along the coast of New Jersey and eventually into New York Harbor. Yikes!
This morning we headed north for the Sassafras River, which has been described by several guidebooks in glowing terms: “High-banked and bounded by bronze-colored cliffs, the Sassafras River is one of the most beautiful on the Eastern Shore.” We agree. It also looks just like the Tennessee River! So tonight we are tied to a mooring ball in Georgetown, MD; but we could just as easily be in Guntersville, AL, except for the gazillion marinas around us -- and not a single bass boat to be found! Boating with a capital "B" is clearly a way of life here. We look forward to rendezvous with the Lillys on Seaquel tomorrow in the C&D Canal, then we plan to spend the weekend with them and maybe other Loopers in Cape May, NJ.