Wednesday, June 27, 2007
St. Lawrence River to Montreal, Quebec

Monday and Tuesday, June 18-19. On Monday, we cruised down the big Saint Lawrence River in a light haze, passing big ships and a few ferries. We were happy to see the Great Loop flag on a large Krogen Whaleback boat, Allegria. Owners Greg and Susan Han were also heading to Montreal, so after docking at Port D’Escale Marina, right in the heart of Old Montreal, we joined them for wine on their boat and then supper.
Bob and I spent Tuesday morning going over charts and routes for the next few weeks. There are so many possible routes from this point that the guide books aren’t very helpful because information on the route we are taking is scattered throughout each book. After a major boat cleaning session, we noticed a potential thunderstorm heading our way, so we decided to stay close to the boat. A tram ride took us down through the Old Port area of Montreal. We learned a bit about the history of the ports and took photos of some interesting buildings. Afterwards we walked the nearby streets and toured the ornate old Notre Dame church. Pollen and cottonwood fuzz are in the air, so my allergies are still kicking up. Later Tuesday evening, we had Greg and Susan (Allegria) and Carol and Lee (Carol Anne) over for good conversation, wine, cheese.