Saturday, August 18.
We took advantage of the first good weather in several days and headed out early in the morning. With the cool cloudy weather, wearing down and fleece felt good. It was in the low 60's on the water, but we were happy that Lake Michigan was finally calm. Lake Michigan fascinates me. On our right were huge sand dunes including the famous Sleeping Bear dune, and all we could see on our left was the horizon. The vista could be the Outer Banks of North Carolina but without the salt water. We passed several Lake Michigan lighthouses, including one that was part of a large building.
Most Loopers stopped in Leland, but we pressed on to Frankfort, another really pleasant town. The marinas were technically full, but the municipal marina managed to squeeze both Happy Destiny and Second Wind into one slip – not ideal, but manageable. Two other Loopers were here (Odyssee and Ciderella). As we walked the town, we stopped for fudge at Kilwin's. Dinner consisted of fresh whitefish and Coho salmon at Rhoda’s Wharfside Inn -- really good. I would love to stay here another day, but calm seas have been forecasted so we'll keep moving south.
# posted by Second Wind @ 8:35 PM