Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Feels Like Home on the Tennessee River

Monday-Tuesday, September 11-12. After saying fond, then funny farewells to the Cowhigs (Happy Destiny) and the Elliots (Christine), we pulled away from the Green Turtle Bay dock late Monday morning. (Jane and Joanie were giving us their rendition of “So Long, Farewell . . . .” ) We are now within days of finishing our own Great Loop adventure! Bob is taking it in stride; I get choked up just thinking about it. The prospect of seeing our kids in their new houses, other much loved family members, and old friends is thrilling. At the same time, we will miss terribly the daily adventure and wonderful friends we’ve made along the Loop.
A right turn took us into the entrance of a mile-long canal that connects Lake Barkley on Cumberland River with the Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River. Seeing those rolling hills, limestone cliffs, and cypress trees made us feel right at home. I wanted to jump in the water for old times’ sake. By the time we pulled into Pebble Isle Marina late in the afternoon, we had watched a bald eagle soaring and spotted several deer in the woods. Pebble Isle Marina is located in a peaceful cove, and the staff couldn’t have been more cordial. We hope to come here again later. Today (Tuesday) Bob drove 60-plus miles while I read, napped, and started mentally preparing for a land-based life after almost a year on the water. We are staying at Clifton Marina in Clifton, Tennessee, another friendly, peaceful marina on the Tennessee River. Tonight we will start packing.