Tuesday, September 04. After tanking up for the next 170-mile run down the rivers where there is no fuel available, we cruised past the city of Peoria first thing this morning. The Illinois River is still over its banks, and the effect of the flooding is still evident. This would have been a long, relatively uneventful day except for two things: we were able to pass over the Peoria Lock and Dam without having to lock through (in the third photo, we passed to the right of the flood gate where the wickets had been lowered because of flooding to allow boats to pass over the dam), and we spent the night tied to a barge in Beardstown, IL with five Looper boats. Meeting new Looper friends on Time Out and Karma was a treat.
The barge in the last picture (with five boats tied to it) is actually the town dock. The temperature in Beardstown was 103 degrees when we arrived, and we all lamented the “good old July days” on Georgian Bay and the North Channel, where we wore fleece to ward off the chill. We fully intended to cook onboard tonight, but that thought vanished when a group gathering at Henry’s restaurant was proposed. Supper was delicious.
# posted by Second Wind @ 9:22 PM