Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Apalachicola to Carrabelle. Tallahassee for Thanksgiving

Monday to Wednesday, November 23 - 25th
The minute we spotted Scipio Creek Marina in Apalachicola, my mouth started watering for oysters on the half-shell. After a quick walk around this charming town along Florida's "Forgotten Coast," we went straight to Papa Joe's for several dozen. Yummmmmm! Bob and I wanted to stay longer, but we needed to head over to The Moorings Marina in Carrabelle, our "parking spot" until after Thanksgiving. The two-hour ride across Apalachee Bay seemed pretty uneventful until we spotted two large birds that seemed to have white tails from a distance. Sure enough, they were bald eagles out on the open water! We have only seen eagles along rivers, so we were tickled.
Soon after we were tied up in our slip (those #$@#! pilings again), Scott and Anne appeared to whisk us away for several days of Thanksgiving celebration at their home in Tallahassee. On Tuesday night we had a delicious dinner and great fun with their friends Christine and John. Now we are awaiting the main event -- Thanksgiving is always happy when we are with family and friends.