Monday, December 07, 2009
The Ringling Museum Complex in Sarasota, Florida

Sunday, December 6, 2009.
Because our boat is still in Clearwater Beach, Bob and I rented a car so we could see the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, only a few hours away. We had no idea that this huge complex included several venues scattered throughout the 66-acre John and Mable Ringling estate. Situated among walking paths, huge banyan trees, and gardens, we spent the day being immersed in art and nature as well as the razzle-dazzle of the circus.
One entire building contained the world’s largest miniature circus, every piece crafted by a single man. This artistic exhibit told the full story of the American Circus, depicting every aspect of a performance: from erecting the Big Top and support tents for housing and feeding the performers and animals, to the various maintenance areas, and finally to the arrival of the circus train, the parade, the side shows and the three-ring performance itself. The most fascinating part, of course, was the intricately choreographed behind-the-scenes activities. This exhibit alone was worth the cost of admission, and I’m not even a huge circus fan.
In another fabulous Italianate building we saw a world-renowned collection of fine art, including masterpieces by Rubens and van Dyck. These works were displayed in the dramatic style of the Ringling family. We also visited the palatial mansion of John and Mable Ringling. Did I mention that their home was 22,000 square feet? As we walked between these gorgeous buildings (and there were others that we missed), we were surrounded by gardens, statuary, and banyan trees. What a fabulous experience, certainly a highlight of this trip.